Youth Soccer Banner

Youth soccer banners are suitable for sport team and also for soccer field uses. However, soccer banner comprise of players and game season. To publicize local business, next game season, concession stands, donators, and other occasions for people to see, the soccer banner can be designed to achieve this.

Banners can also be displayed to broadcast rehearsal, state player’s progress, provide strength and pleasures for supporters, commemorate game pleasure, hang up schedules, try-outs, provide powers and strength for supporters and also reveal group championship.

Benefits of a Youth Soccer Banner

Teenagers love team soccer banners and they show this by holding one during a game. Youth team soccer banners represent signs of unity. Youth soccer banners create a sense of being part of the game for teenage players both males and females whenever they see their names on the flags.

However, soccer team players always buy a soccer banner for them to enjoy during the game time. The team’s banners enable the adolescent players to identify their team on the playing ground for practical purposes.

It also serves as the right frame for soccer player’s pictures on the game day to provide an excellent score photo frames, so when the game ends, some players will tear the banner and hand part of it to each player with their name on it as a reminder.

Therefore what kind of banners should you opt for? 

What features do you need?

What to look for in a good youth soccer banner?

Team banners can get stained, wet, or muddy by dirty fingers of excited players when displayed in a public place or kept in a car, hidden underneath other soccer equipment, or in a garage corner for a long time, but a team banner must be dynamic and unique.

For these purposes and others, the best materials for team banners are vinyl materials.

Flags are in different sizes and shapes; therefore, we recommend a rectangular dimension 5 feet width, 3 feet height and a pole pockets but not grommets.

Pole pocket type is simple to operate with a display stand, so while on the field, you only need to slide the pole to put the positions together. A grommet is a small circulated hole made with iron rings set at the existing edge of the banner to secure tearing. The grommet holes are made with metal rings to prevent tearing. It also needs the bungee cord and zips to hold the flags while on the field.

However, grommets are more suitable than the absence of a hole while a pole pocket is useful too in case you have a choice. The wrong cord length will distract your banners from standing firmly, and make your banners to drop off and it can get lost when walking from the car to the field every week for two months.

Features of a Soccer Banner

Team banners features:

  • Size: 5 feet by 3 feet
  • Materials: vinyl and polo pocket but not grommets.

Got it? So, let’s move on to finding the right design.

Youth Soccer Team Banner Designs

The drawings and samples to use for the youth sports banner such as colors, names, pictures, and size can be given to you by sport banners sellers, and if they are unable, you might think of allowing them to do it for you.

To design your online soccer Banners vendors might provide free software on their website for you to pick the font, colors, clip arts, size and pictures to use for your soccer banner.

Therefore, you can use your digital design so vendors will sort this for you if you have graphic designers, and full designed samples can also be selected to ease efforts and time. So, you don’t have to be confused if you are unable to craft a banner by yourself.


The problem of crafting a dynamic soccer banner is the price, but it can always be settled. Many retailers designed their flag with wrong materials, and non-informative slags. Still, you need to understand that to own a soccer banner it is not a simple task.

Therefore you must opt for the following while designing soccer banners.

  • You must select a reasonable factor that is easy, simple, meaningful, and captivating.
  • You must convey people’s minds, match information, players list, a definitive slogan for the team banner, and a suitable team colors must be considered.